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Collaboration Services Timetable of Events

The NHSmail team host open interactive sessions to help support you and your organisation to keep up to date on what is happening in the NHSmail community. Join the conversation and stay up to date with NHSmail events today!

Local Administrator webinar

Join our fortnightly Teams meeting with the NHSmail team  and Local Administrators from across the community for an  informal sessions with plenty of opportunities to ask questions, share good news stories and promote wider collaboration.

Teams meeting

Fortnightly 12.30 pm – 1.30 pm

To join: LA webinar invite

                                                              Further information

Event schedule

Next meeting:  12 July 2024

Upcoming:  26 July 2024

Monthly Collaboration Services Townhall 

Join the monthly townhall which provides updates on the licensing collaboration discussion, roadmap updates and key activities being undertaken by the NHSmail team. Link to previous NHSmail townhalls recordings.

Teams webinar

Monthly 10.30 am – 11.30 am

The NHSmail townhalls are held monthly for collaboration software licensing nominated contacts within your organisation. Please contact windows10@nhs.net for further information.

Event schedule

Next meeting: 18 July

Upcoming: TBC

Windows Wednesday webinars

Join NHS England, Microsoft and guests for the Windows Wednesday webinar.

Don’t miss the opportunity to hear updates on the latest window licensing news.

Event schedule

Upcoming: 3 July – Register


NHSmail Technical Deep dive sessions

The NHSmail team host a series of deep dive sessions on technical subjects to support organisations. If you are interested in attending other NHSmail technical deep dives please complete the deep dive expression of interest form

Team meeting

Ad hoc sessions

Audience: LAs

To join: invites to be sent via LA communication routes (LA bulletin, LA webinar, LA channels)

Event schedule

Upcoming: DCB1596 Webinar 15 November 2023 11-12pm – To register

Collaboration Licensing – New arrangement overview briefing

The NHSmail team hosted a briefing session to outline the new 5-year arrangement negotiated by NHS England and Microsoft for all NHS staff to benefit from the full suite of Microsoft 365 workplace productivity apps. This new Collaboration Licensing arrangement replaces the previous N365 arrangement for Office 365. Find out further information in the recordings and slides.



Last Reviewed Date 09/07/2024
Updated on 09/07/2024

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