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  6. Transferring a mailbox between organisations and multiple accounts

Transferring a mailbox between organisations and multiple accounts

Local Administrators that manage two organisations or more can now transfer a user mailbox from one organisation to another organisation without triggering the leaver email to the user. Note: Local Administrator must have administrative rights over both the organisations to perform this action.

To transfer a user’s mailbox to another organisation:

selecting user management1. Click Admin in the navigation bar at the top of the screen and select User Management from the drop down menu

2. Use the search box to find the user’s account you wish to edit


Refer to the Searching for an Entry article for more information

3. Click on the user’s Display Name to open the User Details Page.

4. Click on Transfer under Actions page.



5. Select the New Organisation and Site from the drop down menu

6. If appropriate, select the Organisational Unit by clicking the + next to the organisation name to expand the list and select the Organisational Unit.

7. Click on Transfer.

The following message will be displayed on successful transfer :Notificaiton of successful transfer

Transferring multiple accounts:

NOTE: This can also be done by using CSV upload and Bulk Edit option. Refer to CSV User Upload and Bulk Edit for more information

Handy Hint

Use the Search box to find the accounts you want to transfer in bulk. Tick the box to the left of the users’ name and click Bulk Edit then Transfer

Important Note:

If an account is marked as a “Joiner” to a new organisation and the account is associated to one or more MFA Named Location groups, the user will be removed from those groups. This will prevent the user from being able to use their previous MFA Named Location policy associated to their previous organisation. If the user requires to be part of a MFA Named Location group policy under their new organisation, the user must contact their Local Administrator.

Last Reviewed Date 29/08/2024
Updated on 29/08/2024

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