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  5. Finding a Local Administrator

Finding a Local Administrator

Local Administrators (LA) are the prime contacts responsible for the administrative duties relating to your NHSmail account. For example, unlocking your account, setting up shared mailboxes and authorising distribution lists. You will usually contact your Local Administrator through your local IT support desk. You can find the names and contact details of all the Local Administrator(s) in your organisation by using the Get Help. You can find the names and contact details of all the Local Administrators in another organisation by using the People Finder in the NHSmail Portal.

Finding a Local Administrator in your organisation

To find the details of your Local Administrator:

1. Log into the NHSmail Portal at www.nhs.net

2. Click Help and then click on My Organisation



A list of Local Administrators who work at your organisation will be displayed



To retrieve the contact details of your Local Administrator:

 3. Click on the name of the Local Administrator you wish to contact

Their email address, Local Support Telephone, Mobile, Pager, Fax numbers and Web page will be displayed on the Get in Touch section


Finding a Local Administrator in another organisation

You can use People Finder to find the details of the Local Administrator in another organisation. For example, if you are leaving an organisation and you need to contact the Local Administrator of the new organisation. Or if you work across different organisation(s) and need to contact their Local Administrators.

1. Log into the NHSmail Portal at www.nhs.net

2. Click People Finder in the navigation bar at the top of the screen



3. Type the name of the Organisation you wish to search for into the search    box and click the magnifying glass.



You can use the Advanced Search to narrow down the search. Refer to the Advanced Search section for more information on using this feature. After the search results are displayed, follow Step 4-6 below to find the details of Local Administrators who work in the organisation.



Only the first 100 results from your current, large, search criteria would be returned. Please refine your search to return less than 100 results to see them all.

4. Click on the name of the contact to open the NHS Directory entry



5. Click on your Organisation’s Name




A list of Local Administrators who work at the organisation will be displayed




To retrieve the contact details of the Local Administrator :

6. Click on the name of the Local Administrator you wish to contact



Their email address, Local Support Telephone, Mobile, Pager, Fax numbers and Web page will be displayed on the Get in Touch section

Additional information

You can also view the Parent Organisation, Organisation Units, Sites and Child Organisations associated to your organisation under Related Items. Click on any Related item to view the information


Primary Local Administrator (PLA) and Local Administrator (LA) responsibilities

Primary Local Administrators (PLAs) and Local Administrators (LAs) have similar permissions to perform activities to support their user base.

The NHSmail team expect the PLA to take a lead role within the organisation in promoting and supporting the shared tenant services and communicating key initiatives and new services that will impact their organisation. 

PLAs and LAs are responsible for:

  • Overall accountability for creating and managing their organisation’s NHSmail accounts
  • Responsible for cascading information regarding NHSmail initiatives to their senior team and users.
  • Responsible for cascading information regarding changes to the NHSmail platform to their senior team and users.
  • Acting as a conduit for information and all follow up actions related to compromised accounts.
  • Receiving notice and taking action on Cyber Security alerts in relation to NHSmail.
  • Approving all application account requests for their organisation
  • The NHSmail Local Administrator Collaboration Team is the primary communication method for LAs, your membership is required as part of your responsibilities in this role

How to find your PLAs?

To find your organisation’s PLA at your organisation you need to follow the steps outlined in Finding a Local Administrator, the PLA will have ‘Primary Local Administrator’ role listed.

Important Note:

Please be mindful that PLA may not be from the same organisation but the parent organisation. You can view ‘Parent Organisation’ details using the link under ‘Related Items’ section.


How to allocate a new PLA at your organisation:

Where your organisation does not already have an existing PLA, we require the following information:

  • Name and nhs.net email address for the person taking on the PLA role.
  • Name and ODS code of the organisation the PLA is required to be setup for.
  • Authorisation from the CEO/IT Director/HR Director/Head of IT/CIO or Practice Manager of your organisation stating that they are happy for the nominated person to take on this role.

The information needs to be submitted to feedback@nhs.net with the approval email trail included.

Important Note:

Once the PLA is set up, they can give equivalent permissions to others. It is recommended that additional PLAs are appointed to cover holidays, sicknesses and other reasons that may affect business activities.

Last Reviewed Date 27/06/2023
Updated on 03/05/2024

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