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Adding a device to MS Teams

To add meeting rooms to team, a resource mailbox and a Meeting Room licence is required. Please find below the guidance for Local Administrator(s):

  1. Create a Resource mailbox via the NHSmail Portal.
  2. Procure a Teams Meeting Room licence from Microsoft reseller.
  3. Onboard Meeting Room licence to the NHSmail central tenant. Please follow the onboarding guide for Local Administrators.
  4. Raise a request with NHSmail helpdesk (helpdesk@nhs.net) with the following information:
  • The resource mailbox details (email address of the resource mailbox).
  • O365 licence (Meeting Room) licence details which has been onboarded to NHSmail.

Once the request is fulfilled, NHSmail helpdesk (helpdesk@nhs.net) will send a confirmation email to the requestor.


If you already have Teams Rooms Standard licenses on your active Enterprise Subscription Agreement (ESA) you are able to purchase more and these will work with resource mailboxes. It is likely that the majority of NHS organisations have renewed or are renewing their ESAs and must now purchase Teams Rooms Pro.  

If you have purchased a Microsoft Teams Rooms Pro licences you will need to: 

  • Raise a ticket to Helpdesk@nhs.net to assign them to your organisation
  • You will need to provide the following information about your licence purchase, start and expiry dates, quantity and agreement number plus proof of purchase such as an invoice or screenshot of your current agreement in VLSC or Admin Centre
  • You will need to provide a list of resource mailboxes to map the licenses against 
  • As the licence is unsupported, the ticket is best endeavours only and not subject to SLA
  • Once the licence/s is onboarded and mapped to the mailbox, you will receive communication from Helpdesk advising you to update the password
  • Once you change the password the Teams Rooms Device should function
  • Checking the Portal to see whether the mailbox is listed as a Teams Rooms Device will NOT show the expected result as the mapping is a result of back-end scripting

Last Reviewed Date 17/10/2023



Updated on 17/10/2023

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