Viewing and removing membership


  • An administrator with administrative rights over an Organisation Unit will be able to administer only those user accounts which are associated to that specific Organisation Unit. They cannot administer user accounts of a different Organisation Unit or the Parent Organisation
  • An administrator with administrative rights over a Parent Organisation can administer all user accounts of the Organisation, including all user accounts of the Organisational Units which are under the Parent Organisation

View membership

Local Administrators can view and remove a user’s membership in Static and Dynamic Distribution Lists, Shared Mailboxes, Resource Mailboxes and delegate access to other mailboxes. Local Administrators will also be able to see if the user’s membership is as an owner or member.

selecting user management1. Click Admin in the navigation bar at the top of the screen and select User Management from the drop down menu

2. Use the search box to find the user’s account you wish to edit.


Refer to the Searching for an Entry(was a link) section for more information

3. Click on the user’s Display Name to open the User Details Page

4. Click on Permissions in the Actions box


The User’s membership details will appear in the Mailbox Details box

5. Click on Shared Mailbox, Resource Mailbox, Static Distribution List, Dynamic Distribution List, User or O365Group to view the user’s membership details


Remove membership

Note: Use of this feature is not a substitute for owners keeping permission up to date because this will only show the below:

  • Static Distribution List – List of static distribution lists where the user is an owner or member.
  • Dynamic Distribution List – List of dynamic distribution lists where the user is an owner. Will not display the ones where the user is a member and not owner.
  • Shared Mailbox – List of shared mailboxes where the user is an owner or member.
  • User – List of mailboxes where the user has delegate permission
  • Resource Mailbox – List of resource mailboxes where the user is an owner or member.
  • O365 Group – List of teams where the user is an owner or member.

6. Select the tick box to the left of the user’s Type of membership and Click on Remove

confirm delete7. Click Confirm to remove the membership





Owner of a shared mailbox or a team cannot be removed if the targeted user is the only owner of the shared mailbox or the team

click back button8. Click on Back to return to the User details page



Last Reviewed Date 18/12/2020


Updated on 28/06/2022

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