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Teams Premium User Guides

Teams Premium enhances the Microsoft Teams experience with intelligent features, advanced protection, and richer engagement in your meetings.

This article contains information on how to use Teams Premium features. Where possible, video guidance from Microsoft has been hyperlinked throughout the document.

Premium Meetings:

Teams Premium functionalities for meetings can be accessed and configured by those with Teams Premium licence via meeting options to enable, limit, or turn off certain capabilities during a meeting.

As a meeting organiser, you can change some of the meeting options to affect how participants engage and interact during a meeting.


 Some meeting options have been configured at tenant level and will be the same for all NHSmail users, irrespective of Teams Premium licence usage.

Accessing meeting options – Microsoft Teams:

When scheduling a Teams meeting via Microsoft Teams, meeting options are available on the right-hand side of the screen from Options, then More options:



Accessing meeting options – Outlook:

When scheduling a Teams meeting via Outlook, meeting options are available on the top pane from Teams Meeting, then Meeting Options:



Meetings and meeting templates:

When scheduling meetings, you have the option to organise them with or without a meeting template. Meeting templates are used to pre-define meeting options or to set default configurations.


 Some meeting options are only available when using a meeting template. Likewise, some meeting options can be locked in some templates.

Meeting templates are available on Teams Desktop app or Teams for web. To schedule a meeting using meeting templates, go to your Calendar in Microsoft Teams and select the down arrow next to + New meeting to see the available options.


  • Templates: these are standard templates provided by Microsoft. Below are the options for meetings:
    • Virtual appointment
    • Controlled-content meeting
  • Customised templates: these are meeting templates configured for the NHSmail shared tenant. Below are the options for meetings (from most to least restrict):
    • Official Sensitive
    • Sensitive
    • Corporate
    • General

 Custom meeting templates are not available for webinars and towns halls.

The table below illustrates which meeting options are locked and unlocked when using meeting templates. You are encouraged to review these options when scheduling meetings even if they are unlocked so you have the desired settings:

Feature/Template Virtual appointment Controlled-content meeting General Corporate Sensitive Official Sensitive
Apply sensitivity labels Unlocked Unlocked Unlocked Unlocked Unlocked Unlocked
Who can bypass the lobby? Unlocked Unlocked Unlocked Locked as ‘People in my tenant’ Locked as ‘Only organisers and co-organisers’ Locked as ‘Only organisers and co-organisers’
People dialing in can bypass the lobby Unlocked Unlocked Locked as ‘Off’ Locked as ‘On’ Locked as ‘On’ Locked as ‘On’
Announce when people dialling in join or leave Unlocked Unlocked Unlocked Unlocked Locked as ‘Off’ Locked as ‘Off’
Manage what attendees see Unlocked Unlocked Unlocked Locked as ‘On’ Locked as ‘On’ Locked as ‘On’
Allow mic for attendees Unlocked Unlocked Unlocked Unlocked Unlocked Unlocked
Allow camera for attendees Unlocked Unlocked Unlocked Unlocked Unlocked Unlocked
Record and transcribe automatically Unlocked Unlocked Locked as ‘Off’ Locked as ‘Off’ Locked as ‘Off’ Locked as ‘Off’
Meeting chat Unlocked Unlocked Unlocked Unlocked Locked as ‘In-Meeting Only’ Locked as ‘Off’
Turn off copying or forwarding of meeting chat Unlocked Unlocked Unlocked Unlocked Locked as ‘On’ Locked as ‘On’
Q&A Unlocked Unlocked Unlocked Unlocked Unlocked Locked as ‘Off’
Allow reactions Unlocked Unlocked Unlocked Unlocked Unlocked Locked as ‘Off’
Enable Green room Unlocked Unlocked Unlocked Unlocked Unlocked Unlocked
Enable language interpretation Unlocked Unlocked Unlocked Unlocked Unlocked Unlocked
Who can record Unlocked Unlocked Unlocked Unlocked Locked as ‘Only organisers and co-organisers’ Locked as ‘Only organisers and co-organisers’
End-to-end encryption Unlocked Unlocked Locked as ‘Off’ Unlocked Locked as ‘On’ Locked as ‘On’
Apply a watermark to shared content Unlocked Unlocked Locked as ‘Off’ Unlocked Locked as ‘On’ Locked as ‘On’
Apply a watermark to everyone’s video feed Unlocked Unlocked Locked as ‘Off’ Unlocked Locked as ‘On’ Locked as ‘On’
Hide attendee names Unlocked Unlocked Unlocked Unlocked Unlocked Unlocked
Allow attendance report Unlocked Unlocked Unlocked Unlocked Unlocked Unlocked
Meeting Theme Unlocked Unlocked Unlocked Unlocked Unlocked Unlocked
Allow Copilot Unlocked (licence required) Unlocked (licence required) Unlocked (licence required) Unlocked (licence required) Unlocked (licence required) Unlocked (licence required)

Additional information and video guidance:

Sensitivity labels:

You can use sensitivity labels to add an extra layer of security to your meetings. Sensitivity labels can be use with or without meeting templates. To learn more about the configuration of each label, please consult the NHSmail Data Sensitivity Label Global Policy – Sensitivity Labels Details guidance.

You can apply sensitivity labels to your meetings via Teams or via Outlook:

When scheduling a Teams meeting via Microsoft Teams, sensitivity labels are available on the top pane. Select the down arrow next to Sensitivity: None, then select the desired label for your meeting. Alternatively, you can apply a sensitivity label via meeting options.


When scheduling a Teams meeting via Outlook, sensitivity labels are available on the top pane from Teams Meeting, Meeting Options, then Sensitivity.



PLEASE NOTE: If you apply sensitivity labels to your meeting, it can override some of your other meeting settings.

PLEASE NOTE: Your organisation must be opted-in to the NHSmail Data Sensitivity Label Global Policy to be able to use Teams Premium sensitivity labels functionalities.

Additional information and video guidance:

Teams Premium meeting options:

Depending on whether you have selected a meeting template or not, or if you have applied sensitivity labels to your meeting, with Teams Premium you will be able to control the following additional meeting options.

Feature Benefits
Manage what attendees see (on/off) Organisers can decide whose avatars or video feeds to spotlight during a Teams meeting. Others will be hidden from view.
Turn off copying or forwarding of meeting chat (on/off) Prevents attendees from copying and pasting content from a meeting chat.

This does not prevent screen capture or third-party software from being used.

Who can record (drop-down options) Choose whether to allow presenters to record a meeting in addition to organisers and co-organisers.
End-to-end encryption (on/off) Increased security for meetings that require a higher level of protection.
Apply a watermark to shared content (on/off) When sharing your screen, watermarks display the email address of a meeting participant, which is useful for protecting confidential information shared in meetings.
Apply a watermark to everyone’s video feed (on/off) Apply watermarking to everyone’s video feed.
Hide attendee names (on/off) Organisers can hide the names of attendees from other attendees in the stage, roster, and chat.
Meeting theme (on/off) Extends the NHS visual identity across the meeting experience (logo, background image and colour).

Additional information and video guidance:

In-meeting experience:

During meetings, you can use the following features. These settings can be found in the meeting controls at the top of your screen.

Read live translated captions during meetings:

Teams can detect what is said in a meeting and present real-time caption. If you are using the desktop app for Windows or Mac, there are also several caption customisation options.

To turn on live captions, whilst in the meeting, select More, Language and speech, then Turn on live captions.

Together mode:

Together mode scenes available for meetings, which creates an immersive and engaging environment by digitally combining participants into a single virtual scene.

To turn on Together mode, whilst in the meeting, select View, then Together mode.

Additional information and video guidance:

Intelligent features:

Microsoft Teams Intelligent features enhance users meeting experience through auto-generated notes and tasks, speaker and timeline markers, as well as topics and chapters.


 Intelligent features can only be used if the meeting has been recorded and transcribed.

Once the meeting has finished, navigate to the Recap to review the recording, the meeting transcript, shared content, meeting notes, the meeting agenda, and follow-up tasks.

Intelligent Recap and notes:

You can select the Recap tab in the meeting chat or Teams calendar invite after the event ends. You can also open the meeting chat and select the recording or transcript thumbnail.



Teams Premium Intelligent Recap also provides the meeting notes and follow-up tasks. Select AI notes to view those.



Timeline markers:

Timeline markers are shown as various icons along a meeting recording’s timeline that mark the parts of a meeting that are directly relevant to you. You can view timeline markers by hovering over a meeting recording. Select one to go right to that part of the recording.


Speaker markers:

The Speakers view is a feature that helps you quickly find specific speakers and their main points in a meeting recording. Select Speakers to see who spoke and when. Select someone’s speaker bar to watch when they spoke during the meeting.


Topics and chapters:

Chapters and topics divide the meeting into sections so it’s easy to jump right to the content or moment you want to review. Chapters and topics identify keywords from the meeting transcript, or content shared with PowerPoint Live, to segment the meeting.






Additional information and video guidance:

Premium Webinars:

Teams Premium offers an enhanced webinar experience for users, such as enhanced registration and reporting experience, and improved capabilities for meeting hosts and organisers.

As a webinar organiser, you can change some of the meeting options to affect how participants engage and interact during a meeting.

Webinar attendance is limited to 1000 participants.

Additional information and video guidance:

Schedule a webinar:

To schedule a webinar, go to your Calendar in Microsoft Teams and select the down arrow next to + New meeting, then select Webinar.



Webinar meeting options:

With Teams Premium you will be able to control the following additional meeting options. Select Meeting options to enable or disable them and/or other settings as desired.




 Some meeting options are not available for webinars.

Feature Benefits
Manage what attendees see (on/off) Organisers can decide whose avatars or video feeds to spotlight during a Teams meeting. Others will be hidden from view.
Turn off copying or forwarding of meeting chat (on/off) Prevents attendees from copying and pasting content from a meeting chat.

This does not prevent screen capture or third-party software from being used.

Enable green room Can be used by webinar presenters and meeting hosts as a dedicated space separate from attendees, where they can discuss and collaborate.
Hide attendee names (on/off) Organisers can hide the names of attendees from other attendees in the stage, roster, and chat.

Additional information and video guidance:

Advanced webinar settings:

Teams Premium allows webinar organisers to further customise the following options. Select Registration – Configuration or Email depending on the setting you want to customise.







Feature Benefits
Custom emails Organisers and co-organisers can customise the webinar email templates sent to attendees.
Custom webinar reminder email send times Webinar reminder emails are automatically sent to registrants an hour before the event starts. With Teams Premium, organisers can edit the send time to notify attendees sooner.
Limit registration start and end times Organisers can set a time window during which potential attendees can register for their webinar.
Manually approve registrants Organisers can approve or deny requests to register for their webinar.

Additional information and video guidance:

Premium Town halls:

Teams Premium offers an enhanced town hall experience, such as increased broadcast capacity, 10 language options for live translations, and town hall insights.

Teams Premium town hall attendance is limited to 20,000 participants (in comparison to 10,000 participants for non-Teams Premium organisers).

Additional information and video guidance:

Schedule a town hall:

To schedule a webinar, go to your Calendar in Microsoft Teams and select the down arrow next to + New meeting, then select Webinar.




 Some meeting options are not available for town halls.

Customise town hall emails:

Teams Premium allows town hall organisers to further customise town hall emails. Select Email, then Edit to adjust the template you desire.



View real-time analytics:

Teams Premium allows town hall organisers to monitor insights in real-time. During the town hall, you can navigate to Reports to view and export the desired metrics.



Use live translations:

If you are attending a town hall as a licenced Teams Premium user, you can view live translations in up to 10 languages:

  • English (EN-US)
  • Japanese (JA-JP)
  • Spanish (ES-ES)
  • Portuguese (PT-PT)
  • French (FR-FR)
  • Chinese (ZH-CN)
  • German (DE-DE)
  • Italian (IT-IT)
  • Korean (KO-KR)
  • Russian (RU-RU)

In the town hall, select Caption, followed by Caption language, then select the desired language.

Additional information and video guidance:

Advanced Virtual Appointments:

The Virtual Appointments app in Microsoft Teams gives you a central hub for all your virtual appointment needs. It creates a seamless end-to-end experience that lets you easily manage appointments, integrating schedules, analytics, and management options, all in a single app.

You can find and pin the Virtual Appointments app in Microsoft Teams by selecting the three dots to view more apps, then searching for and clicking on ‘Virtual Appointments’. Next, right click on the Virtual Appointments app and select Pin.

Additional information and video guidance:


Analytics is a Teams Premium feature that allows you to view activity and trends to help optimise virtual appointments. Track no-show rates, wait times, and more to gain insights into virtual appointment activity.

Select the Analytics tab in the top menu, then choose a Report you want to see, including the Date range, and then select Run report.


View and monitor all scheduled and on-demand virtual appointments in the appointment calendar for you and your team, with updates in real-time. Additionally, monitor wait times and appointment duration.

From the Queue tab, a scheduler has many options for managing both On-demand and Scheduled appointments.

  • Scheduled appointments are booked for a specific date, time, and duration. These appointments are booked by schedulers in your team in the app or by others through your online booking page.
  • On-demand appointments are booked by your others through your online booking page for services that your team provides upon request, similar to a walk-in waiting room.

Send a SMS text message reminder:

When scheduling a new booking, make sure the toggle is set to send text messages and check the consent box to confirm the attendee has opted in to receiving text message notifications.


In the Queue tab, schedulers can easily send a reminder to a customer. Find the appointment and select Reminders (from the three dots …), then choose to Send SMS reminder.


Custom waiting room:

Extends the NHS visual identity across the virtual appointments experience (logo, background image and colour) for those joining the appointment.



Additional information and video guidance:

More information and support

The table below outlines additional information about Teams Premium and the support channels available:

Resource Details
Introduction to Teams Premium For more information about the Teams Premium features available in the NHSmail shared tenant.
FAQs and Known Limitations Frequently Asked Questions about Teams Premium, including a list of known limitations.
Raise an Incident – Microsoft Teams Use this NHSmail Helpdesk Self-Service Microsoft Teams (Raise an Incident) form for features and functionalities issues.
Email helpdesk@nhs.net If you are struggling to use the Helpdesk Self-Service forms, please email helpdesk@nhs.net for support.

Subject line:

  • Organisation name – Teams Premium Functionality Incident

Please ensure you email contains:

  • Your organisation’s ODS code
  • All relevant information/screenshots to support with the troubleshooting.
Last Reviewed Date 16/05/2024


Updated on 16/05/2024

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