Please note this information is correct at the time of publishing.
Local Administrator (LA) bulletin – 28 July 2023
Dear Primary / Local Administrator,
To be actioned:
Community Pharmacy, Optometry, Dentistry and Social Care (PODS) Transfer Process
Are you an organisation that previously set up NHSmail accounts funded/sponsored under Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) and Integrated Care Boards (ICBs)? If so, we can help you.
If you are no longer able to support those users and wish to offboard these accounts, you may be able to move the accounts to the NAS (National Administration Service).
The NAS team can provide helpdesk/IT capabilities just as a Local Administrator (LA) or Primary Local Administrator (PLA) would normally do and support users with their NHSmail accounts for example; account creation, password reset, joiners and leavers process.
Please note, this process is not for new account creation it is for organisations that are offboarding NHSmail accounts over to the NAS.
If you are interested, please send an email request to the Feedback team ( to confirm that you would like the NAS to support users going forward, NHSE (NHS England) will then provide next steps and necessary forms to complete.
There is an existing process for transferring GP Locum accounts to the NAS, please visit Frequently Asked Questions– GP Locums for further information.
Self Service Password Reset
NHSmail has introduced an enhanced self-service password reset function that will enable users to reset their passwords at any time without contacting their local IT support or the NHSmail Helpdesk.
To use the self-service password reset function, users will need to have one other authentication method in addition to their password set up for their NHSmail account, i.e., Microsoft Authenticator App, Mobile Phone (text message).
Further information and guidance is available here:–base/getting–ready–to–use–self–service–passwordreset–and–unlock/.
An overview of the self-service password reset function was provided in the LA Webinar held Friday 14 July 2023, the recording can be found here:–base/local–administrator–webinars–and–opensessions/
Further information:
Coming Soon: Security Group Management for NHSmail
From the end of August 2023, the NHSmail Security Groups functionality will be made available to Local Administrators. This will provide Local Administrators the ability to create, manage and control Microsoft 365 static mail-enabled and non-mail-enabled Security Groups via the NHSmail Portal.
The new NHSmail Security Group management functionality will give Local
Administrators additional control over their local organisation’s security and will allow them to better manage security risks, offering the ability to tailor access policies and permissions to their specific organisations and users.
To learn more about how Security Group management will work for NHSmail, please attend the LA Webinar on Friday 11 August, 12.30 – 13.30.
Further information and guidance will also be published on the Support Site at the proper time.
NHSmail Solution Store update
The NHSmail Solution Store is up and running with a userbase of over 600 colleagues aiming to upload or download solutions that will support them in their roles.
Our userbase has increased rapidly in the past week, so we wanted to bring this to the attention of Local Administrators if you receive any queries about Power Platform licenses from users in your organisation.
Our Solution of the Month for July is the Incident Management Application, kindly provided by HM Police Force which allows colleagues to manage incidents over multiple shifts.
If you would like more information on The Store, please visit the NHSmail support site page.
Appointing Local and Primary Local Administrator (LA/PLA)
Did you know that if you are Primary Local Administrator, you can appoint an LA and PLA within the same organisation?
It is recommended that additional LAs/PLAs are appointed to cover holidays, sicknesses and other reasons that may affect business activities.
If your organisation does not have any of these roles, please follow the guidance on our NHSmail support pages Finding a Local Administrator – NHSmail Support on how to allocate a PLA.
If you are unable to appoint anyone, please contact for further assistance.
Collaboration Licensing – new arrangement briefing recording and slides
The NHSmail team hosted a briefing session to outline the new 5-year arrangement negotiated by NHS England and Microsoft for all NHS staff to benefit from the full suite of Microsoft 365 workplace productivity apps.
This new Collaboration Licensing arrangement replaces the previous N365 arrangement for Office 365.
Find out further information in the recordings and slides available on – NHSmail timetable and event schedule – NHSmail Support
NHS England and Microsoft deep-dive webinars
The recently announced agreement between Department of Health and Microsoft enables new capabilities for all NHS organisations to benefit from.
Microsoft and NHS England are co-hosting a series of webinars to dive deeper on many of these new (and existing) capabilities.
Visit the NHSmail support pages for further information – NHS England and Microsoft deep dive webinars – NHSmail Support
O365 update – what do you want to see?
The frequency of the O365 updates has increased to a weekly message. Now is your opportunity to help shape what those messages look like, what content is included and have your say in what is important information to include in those updates, such as Top tips, new functionality, Accessibility products.
If you would like to propose a O365 message or have feedback on the contents and format, please fill in this form and the Centre of Excellence will get back to you!
Best wishes,
The NHSmail team