Transferring a NHS Directory contact

If an organisation closes down and a new organisation takes over ownership of the contact, you can move the contact from the original organisation to the new organisation as long as you have administrative rights at both organisations. All of the details associated the contact will move over to the new organisation and their entry in the NHS Directory will immediately update

To transfer a contact:

Click Admin in the navigation bar at the top of the screen and select Contacts from the drop down menu

Use the search box to find the contact that you wish to transfer

Refer to the Searching for an Entry section for more information

Handy Hint

Use the advanced search feature to narrow down your search or click the Display Name tool bar to sort the list in alphabetical order

Click the contact’s Display Name to open the Contact Details Page

Click transfer in actions boxClick Transfer in the Actions box




Select new organisation from the drop downSelect the New Organisation from the drop down menu and click Transfer



The following message will be displayed:

Success notificaction

Following the transfer, the contact’s organisation will be updated in the Contact Details screen

Last Reviewed Date 26/09/2019
Updated on 06/07/2022

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