Deleting a NHS Directory contact

When a contact is no longer associated to your organisation, you must delete their account. This will remove their details from the NHS Directory as well as from any distribution lists they had been added to. The details of a contact are not restorable after deletion, you would instead have to re-create the contact entry. If you need to transfer a contact to a new organisation, refer to the Transferring a NHS Directory Contact section for more information, you will not need to follow the Leaver/ Joiner process for a NHS Directory contact

To delete a single contact:


Once a contact is deleted it cannot be recovered. Please ensure you have selected the correct contact before following the steps below

Click Admin in the navigation bar at the top of the screen and select Contacts from the drop down menu

Use the search box to find the contact that you wish to delete

Refer to the Searching for an Entry section for more information

Click the delete buttonClick the Contact’s Name to open the Edit Contact Page

Click the Delete button in the Actions box



Click to confirm deleteClick Confirm to delete the contact




Bulk deletion of NHS directory contacts

Click Admin in the navigation bar at the top of the screen and select Contacts from the drop down menu



Click Bulk EditSelect the contact(s) you wish to delete by clicking on the check box to the left of its name



List of previously selected accountsClick Delete




The following message(s) will be displayed:

success notification of multiple account deletions

Additional Information:

  • You will be able to re-create the contact if the contact becomes associated with your organisation again in future/ it was deleted by accident
Last Reviewed Date 26/09/2019


Updated on 06/07/2022

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