NHSmail MFA Webinars

Note: Please note that MFA updates will now be part of the fortnightly LA Webinar and not a dedicated MFA webinar. Local Administrator Webinars – NHSmail Support.

The recordings of previous MFA webinars are available in the Cyber Security and MFA Teams channel for LAs.


We have scheduled Microsoft Teams meetings every fortnight to support our community. These sessions will provide updates and opportunities to ask questions. The MFA webinar is held every fortnight on a Friday at 12.30 PM – 1.30 PM on opposite weeks to the LA webinar. 

MFA webinar details 

The MFA webinars are hosted in the NHSmail Local Administrator Collaboration Team > Cyber Security and MFA channel. Please use the below link to access the meeting invite or go via the Cyber Security and MFA channel.

MFA webinar invite

If you are unable to access the channel please contact feedback@nhs.net.

MFA webinar agenda: 

MFA Roadmap update 

MFA guidance updates 

Percentage MFA uptake across the platform 

MFA case studies/ best practice guest speakers – org led 

Question and answer session 

Recorded MFA webinars

The previous MFA webinar recordings and slides are published in the files area of the Cyber Security and MFA channel.

Last Reviewed Date 26/04/24
Updated on 31/05/2024

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