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NHSmail Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) – Independent Midwives


What is the response time when I email the independent midwives administration team?

The independent midwives (IM) administration team, helpdesk@nhs.net, will endeavour to respond to your enquiry as soon as possible. The team is available from 9:00am to 5:00pm. Monday to Friday, excluding bank holidays.

Outside of these hours simple tasks like password resets can be performed by yourself or the national NHSmail helpdesk via email or by calling 0333 200 1133. The helpdesk is available 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

What do I need to do if I already have an NHSmail account?

You must not apply for another account as this will create a duplicate account causing confusion with your colleagues. If you need your account moving from your previous organisation to the independent midwife group, then please follow the steps below:

  1. Contact the local administrator in your old organisation to request that your nhs.net account is marked as a ‘leaver’.
  2. Send an email to both the deputy regional maternity lead, england.indmidwives@nhs.net and feedback@nhs.net to confirm that the above step has been
  3. england.indmidwives@nhs.net will email the independent midwives administration team (helpdesk@nhs.net) to request that your account is marked as a ‘joiner’ to the independent midwives group.
  4. The independent midwife administration team will complete the action

Note: You have 30 days once your account is marked as a ‘leaver’ for it to be marked as a ‘joiner’ in your new organisation / group otherwise the account will be deleted.

What should I do if I am moving to another NHS organisation or leaving midwifery altogether?

If you are leaving your practice you will need to notify the independent midwives administration team, who will mark your NHSmail account as a ‘leaver’. Your account will be deleted from the service after 30 days if your account has not been picked up by another NHSmail organisation.

If you are moving to another NHS organisation that hosts NHSmail, you will need to inform them via their local administrator (LA) so your account can be marked as a ‘joiner’ to your new organisation.

Further information, and steps to take whether leaving midwifery or moving to another NHS organisation, can be found within the Leavers and Joiners Guide.

What should I do if I go on maternity leave, or am otherwise off on long term leave and not able to access my account to keep it active?

In instances such as this, please contact the independent midwives administration team (helpdesk@nhs.net) and request your account is disabled. This will make the account not subject to deletion for 18 months (emails will continue to be received during this time).

On your return, please contact the administration team once again to request your account is re-enabled. You must do this from the mobile number associated with your NHSmail account, and so it is important that you keep your mobile number up to date with us.

Why is my mobile phone number needed to set up my account?


Mobile numbers used to register for an NHSmail account must be UK based. Any NHSmail account registered with non-UK number will be disabled and will need to contact their local organisation to apply a UK based phone number to their NHSmail account. Please see Information – Non-UK registered Phone Numbers for more information.

A mobile phone number needs to be provided when applying for an NHSmail account as temporary passwords are sent via a text message.

It is important this mobile phone number is only used once within the registration portal as the number will also be used to check that an account for you is not already in use. The phone number must be a mobile phone number and must be personal to you.

The mobile phone number provided as part of your NHSmail application will be hidden from the NHS Directory (People Finder) by default. You can choose to unhide your mobile number so that it appears in the NHS Directory by following the guidance on the NHSmail support site.

It is recommended you do not remove your mobile phone number as this will be used by the independent midwives administration team as part of the authentication checks for account administration purposes, such as resetting your password or unlocking your account.

Last Reviewed Date 27/02/2024
Updated on 27/02/2024

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