Information – Non-UK registered Phone Numbers

30/06/2022 16:30:00 PM (BST)

As part of our continued commitment to maintaining security and stability across the NHSmail Service, we frequently review our security posture and security level of the platform. Examples of this activity include the recent move of the banner to the top of an email for any emails received outside of the NHSmail Service, and the introduction of a MailTip advising each end user when they receive mail items from a totally new sender.

To further secure NHSmail accounts, particularly around use of mobile phone numbers registered outside of the UK, we have disabled a small number of accounts and are notifying our user base that non-UK numbers are not permissible going forward.

Local Admins will need to be aware that if contact is made by an impacted user to the helpdesk, they will be referred back to the local organisation to apply a UK based phone number.

NOTE: This change will come into effect today.

If you require additional help and support, the NHSmail helpdesk is available 24 hours-a-day, 7 days-a-week on 0333 200 1133 or by emailing

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