Adding someone from the Directory to your contacts

A contact refers to a saved email address within your address book. You can use the People page to create a list of personal contacts as well as adding contacts from the Directory that you use regularly so that you don’t have to search the entire Directory for them

You can add contacts from the Directory to your own personal contact list, known as My Contacts, and you can also manually create a contact by entering all of their details to easily store email addresses and other contact details for people outside your organisation

1. Click People icon in the navigation bar at the left of the screen

2. Select Directory


3. Type a name in the search bar at the top of the page and click the magnifying glass icon

Select the correct name, click Add to contacts on the right side of the screen

4. Complete the contact details and click Save


5. Click the cross to the right of the search bar to display the Directory list again

Handy Hint

A quicker way to add contacts from your inbox is to right click on the sender’s name in the email reading pane, select View details, click Add to contacts twice and then click Save

Last Reviewed Date 14/05/2024
Updated on 14/05/2024

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