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  5. Teams Shared Channels Configured Domains

Teams Shared Channels Configured Domains

Shared channels in Microsoft Teams create collaboration spaces for people inside and outside your team or organisation. They offer a seamless and improved version of collaboration with those inside and outside of the NHSmail central tenant, helping to extend teamwork effectively and efficiently across organisational boundaries.

Please see below a list of domains that have been configured for Teams shared channels.

External Organisation Name External Tenant Domain
Accenture (UK) Limited accenture.com
BANES Council bathnes.gov.uk


Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council barnsleycouncil.onmicrosoft.com


Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust berkshire.nhs.uk
Bevan Brittan bevanbrittan.com
Capgemini capgemini.com
Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership NHS Trust covwarkpt.nhs.uk



Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear cntw.nhs.uk
DAC Beachcroft LLP dacbeachcroft.onmicrosoft.com


Department of Health and Social Care dhsc.gov.uk
Digital Health and Care Wales wales.nhs.uk


Glos Health and Care ghc.nhs.uk
Gloucestershire County Council gloucestershirecc.onmicrosoft.com
Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust GLOS-CARE.NHS.UK
Greater Manchester Mental Health gmmh.nhs.uk
Health Research Authority hra.nhs.uk
King’s College Hospital Foundation Trust kchazur3outlook.onmicrosoft.com
Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust lthtr.nhs.uk


Microsoft microsoft.com
Midlands Partnership NHS Foundation Trust mpft.nhs.uk
Milton Keynes University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust mkuh.nhs.uk


N3i Limited N3i.co.uk
NHS Dorset Integrated Care Board nhsdorsetccg.onmicrosoft.com


NHS South East London ICB selondonccg.onmicrosoft.com




NHS Business Services Authority NHSBSA.nhs.uk
Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust nsft.nhs.uk


North East Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust neas.nhs.uk
North East London NHS Foundation Trust (NELFT) nelft.nhs.uk
North Staffordshire Combined Healthcare NHS Trust combined.nhs.uk
North West Ambulance Service NHS Trust nwas.nhs.uk
Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust northumbria-healthcare.nhs.uk
Nottinghamshire Health Informatics Service notts-his.nhs.uk
Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust ouh.nhs.uk
Portsmouth Hospitals University NHS Trust porthosp.nhs.uk
Somerset NHS Foundation Trust somersetft.nhs.uk
Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust southernhealth.nhs.uk


South London & Maudsley NHS foundation Trust Slamonline.onmicrosoft.com


St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust stgeorges.nhs.uk


Staffordshire and Shropshire Health Informatics Service sshis.nhs.uk
Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent ICB staffsstoke.icb.nhs.uk
Trustmarque Solutions Limited trustmarque.com
University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Trust mbht.nhs.uk


Whitespider whitespider.com
Wigan Borough CCG wiganboroughccg.nhs.uk
WWL wwl.nhs.uk

Please also see below a list of the pre-approved domains:

  • Gov.uk
  • Cjsm.net
  • Police.uk
  • Mod.uk
  • Parliament.uk

For more information, please refer to the guidance for Users and the guidance for Local Administrators.

You can also refer to the following Microsoft guidance for more information:

Last Reviewed Date 23/07/2024
Updated on 23/07/2024

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