Suggested Meetings

When you receive an email which contains a date/time of a future meeting, the Suggested Meeting app will scan this email content and will propose booking this meeting into your calendar at that date/time

Open an email which contains a meeting request

click on suggested meetingsThe Suggested Meetings app will scan the email content for the word meeting and propose dates/times

Click on the Suggested Meetings link on the tool bar


A dialog box will pop up with the text, ‘We think we’ve found a meeting

Click on Schedule Event to book the meeting into your diary

Enter the details of the meeting

Refer to the Calendars, meetings and appointments module for more information about scheduling a meeting

enter meeting detailsNote: some information will be auto-populated into the meeting invitation based on the body of the email received including a suggested time, date and the meeting attendee (the email sender)

Click Send at the top left of the screen


Last Reviewed Date 14/03/2019
Updated on 30/06/2022

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