Editing a NHS Directory contact

If the details associated with a contact are incorrect you can edit the contact’s details through the Contact Details screen. Any edits you make will have an immediate effect and will update the NHS Directory accordingly

To edit a contact:

Click Admin in the navigation bar at the top of the screen and select Contacts from the drop down menu

Use the search box to find the contact you wish to edit

Refer to the Searching for an Entry section for more information

Handy Hint

Use the advanced search feature to narrow down your search or click the Display Name tool bar to sort the list in alphabetical order

Click the Display Name of the contact that you would like to edit

Editing the Organisational Unit of a NHS Directory contact

To move a contact to a different department within the current owning organisation (e.g. switch from Leeds Teaching Hospital IT department to Leeds Teaching Hospital maintenance department) you must edit the NHS Directory properties of the contact. These edits will have immediate effect and will update the contact entry in the NHS Directory

To edit a NHS Directory contact Organisational Unit:

Click Edit next to Organisational Unit




Expand the box to add a new organisational unitIf appropriate, click the + box to expand the Organisational Unit list and select a new Organisational Unit and click Ok



If contact information needs to be transferred over to a new organisation (e.g. a organisation closed down, and the contact will be associated with the new organisation), you will need to refer to Transferring a contact for information on how to move their details over to the new organisation

Editing the clinical speciality, clinical role, work area of a NHS Directory contact

click edit to edit the relevant sectionClick Edit next to Clinical Speciality/ Clinical Role/ Work Area under NHS Directory Properties and select a new speciality/role/area from the drop down menu

You can add more than one clinical speciality, clinical role and work area



If a user is moving away from a clinical speciality, role or work area, you will need to deselect the old fields before selecting the new speciality, role or work area

To complete editing

Click Update at the bottom of the page

Success notification

If you receive any type of failure notification, refer to Notifications for more information on how to address the issue

Additional Information:

  • When a NHS Directory Contact is edited, the changes are automatically updated on the NHS Directory and will apply to any distribution lists that the contact may be associated with
Last Reviewed Date 26/09/2019
Updated on 06/07/2022

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