INC31284050 – Account Creation Password Issue – RESOLVED
25/08/2022 11:45:00 AM (BST)
Issue Status: RESOLVED
Description: We are aware of an issue this morning preventing a small subset of users from being able to utilise a temporary password issue through NHSmail. Engineers are investigating currently and are working to identify the issue ASAP. A password reset will resolve the issue and allow the user to gain access.
Further information as it becomes available.
Final Update: 25/08/2022 18:35:00 PM – Following a thorough investigation, it has been determined that no technical issues relating to the password reset function were identified on the platform. An influx in tickets received was related to the incident identified and fully mitigated on Tuesday the 23rd of August (link provided below).
INC31237965 – Account Creation Password Issue (NAS) – RESOLVED – NHSmail Support
To report any issues, please contact 0333 200 1133 /