NHSmail helpdesk support changes – information for Primary / Local Administrators
We have increased our helpdesk capacity to help with the increased demand in contacts as we all respond to the COVID-19 pandemic.
How can you help?
Please let your users know that there are a number of requests that can be completed at a local level, either by contacting your organisation’s local IT helpdesk or through self-service. This will help users resolve their query more quickly as well as enabling the helpdesk to prioritise the requests they receive.
Please share the below links with your users so they can access the self-service tools available on the NHSmail support site – these are quick and easy once users have their security questions set up and a mobile phone linked to their account:
Local Administrators or local IT helpdesks should already be carrying out the tasks listed below:
Any users who contact the NHSmail helpdesk with any of the above requests will be asked to use the self-service tools or contact their Local Administrator or local IT helpdesk.
This approach will be taken from 8:00am to 5:00pm Monday to Friday.