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LA Bulletin – 4 June 2020


Latest information on the NHSmail service including temporary enablement of a wider range of video and audio formats, Egress large file transfer Outlook add-in, weekly Microsoft Teams update sessions for Local Administrators, information governance updates, NHSmail Refresh update, private vs public in Microsoft Teams team settings, transition from Skype to Microsoft Teams.  


Document information and downloads

  • Enabling easier communication between loved ones impacted by visiting restrictions
  • Egress large file transfer Outlook add-in
  • Weekly Teams update sessions for Local Administrators
  • NHSmail information governance updates
  • NHSmail Refresh update
  • NHSmail Microsoft (MS) Teams private vs public in team settings
  • NHSmail transition from Skype to Microsoft Teams
  • Contacts for further help

File type Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format (.pdf)
File size 276 KB

Last Reviewed Date 7/2/2022
Updated on 30/06/2022
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