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LA Bulletin – 30th July 2020


Latest information on the NHSmail service including Microsoft Teams weekly update sessions for our Primary and Local Administrators focusing on the topic of the NHSmail refresh. The mass migration to Exchange Online, the NHSmail platform change which may affect some NHSmail users. Teams dial-in licence update, Egress large file transfer and Outlook add-in update. The decommissioning of NHSmail Skype for Business, the latest portal release, MS Team private vs public in team settings and the introduction of improved shared mailbox naming for National Administration Service (NAS) managed shared mailboxes

Document information and downloads

  • Weekly LA sessions
  • Mass migration to Exchange Online (EXO)
  • NHSmail platform change
  • Teams Dial-in
  • Egress large file transfer Outlook add-in update
  • Decommissioning of NHSmail Skype for
  • Latest portal release: Overstrand
  • NHS Scotland email tenant
  • NHSmail Microsoft (MS) Teams private vs public
    in team settings
  • Introducing improved shared mailbox naming
    for National Administration Service (NAS)
    managed shared mailboxes

File type Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format (.pdf)
File size 253 KB

Last Reviewed Date 30/07/2020
Updated on 30/06/2022
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