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  5. How guest inviters can delete and restore guest users via the NHSmail Portal

How guest inviters can delete and restore guest users via the NHSmail Portal

Guest inviters can now remove/restore an external user’s guest access using the NHSmail Portal. Guest access can be removed when it is no longer required and subsequently restored.

Please Note: If a user has the Guest Inviter and B2B Approver role for a particular organisation, then they will only be able to add/re-invite/restore/delete guest users for that organisation.

Deleting guest users

1. Please click on Guest access



2. On the View Guest users page tick the checkbox for the account of the guest user to be deleted



3. Click on the Delete button




4. A dialog box will pop up, click Confirm




The message shown will appear once the guest user account is successfully deleted.


Important Note

Once Guest user’s access has been deleted, it can be restored within 30 days from the date of deletion. Post 30 days, it cannot be restored anymore.

Restoring a deleted guest user account

Guest user’s access can be restored within 30 days from the date of deletion.

1. Click on Guest access



2. On the View guest users page tick the checkbox for the deleted account’s guest access to be restored



3. Click the Restore button




4. A dialog box will pop up to confirm restore, click Confirm




The message will appear once the guest user account is restored successfully.



 Deletion and restoration of guest access can be audited. Please see Auditing actions for more information. 

Last Reviewed Date 03/03/2023
Updated on 02/03/2023

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