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  4. Guests Invited Outside of Portal have no AttestorID – PRB0211893

Guests Invited Outside of Portal have no AttestorID – PRB0211893

Issue description

When a guest user is invited to the platform outside of Portal (i.e., via Azure Active Directory or the native Teams application), they do not have an Attestor set in the database. An attestor determines who can view/manage a guest under the Guest Access tab in Portal, as well as dictate who can manage the access extension approval requests.

Latest updates and guidance:

This issue is being investigated under PRB0211893.

We advise all guests to be invited via the Guest Access tab in Portal so that an attestor is automatically set. However, if a guest requires an extension to their access and LAs are unable to locate/determine who can approve, they should raise a service request with the NHSmail Helpdesk (helpdesk@nhs.net) to have the portal team manually set an appropriate attestor. Please ensure the suggested attestor has the required permissions: B2B_Approver and Invite Guest Users.

Last Reviewed Date 26/06/2023
Updated on 28/10/2024

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