Creating a team
Microsoft Teams is an effective way to collaborate with other team members by communicating and sharing information, data, files etc.
Local Administrators will be able to create a Microsoft Team via the NHSmail Portal.
1. Click Admin in the navigation bar at the top of the screen and select Teams from the drop down-menu
3. Type in the Name and select the Owning Organisation from the drop-down menu
4. Select the Privacy settings (i.e. Private or Public) from the drop-down and add a brief Description
Adding owners and members to the team
To add owners and members:
After following the steps 1-4 in the Creating a team section , you can add owners and members to the team.
Note: Add yourself as an owner or member by checking the box next to Add Myself.
2. Type the user’s name into the search box
3. Select the tick box to the left of the user’s name
4. Click on Select
Permission levels in Teams
*The owner has to add the team to the (client) MS Teams app once the team has been created by the Local Administrator in the NHSmail Portal.
** These items can be turned off by an owner at a team level, in which case members would not have access to that.
***After adding a member to a team, an owner can also promote a member to owner status. It is also possible for an owner to demote their own status to a member.
Refer to MS Office Support for more information on teams and channels.
Last Reviewed Date | 2/12/2020 |