Cloud Track Configuration

This is suitable for organisations where Windows 10/11 devices can be deployed and managed solely in the NHSmail Intune tenant. The Cloud Track is recommended to organisations with:

  • No reliance upon on-premise resources
  • Active Directory Join not required
  • Limited remote access required

For Windows 10/11, there is a centralised Security Baseline policy which is enforced to all Windows 10/11 Cloud devices enrolled into Intune. There are also customisable baseline settings available for all device types. The Cloud Track is available to all organisations onboarded to the NHSmail Intune Service and is enabled by default.

Please note

To manage devices via any of the Windows 10/11 tracks, your organisation must be onboarded to the NHSmail Intune Service.

Organisations who have not already onboarded to the NHSmail Intune Service are required to register using the Intune Registration Form.


ü Improved device estate security via defined baselines

ü Centralised Intune platform with preserved local autonomy

ü Same Sign On to NHSmail apps for end users

ü Supports staff to work mobile securely

ü Future-ready cloud hosted solution

ü Remote, cloud management of all devices

Complete and submit the Intune Registration Form

The Cloud Track is available to all organisations onboarded to the NHSmail Intune Service. If your organisation is not onboarded the NHSmail Intune Service, please complete the Intune Registration Form.

CLICK HERE for Windows Deployment and Migration next steps!

Last Reviewed Date 19/03/2024
Updated on 26/07/2024

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