Sensitivity Labels Introduction

This guidance will help Local Administrators (LAs) and end users understand the processes involved with using the Global Sensitivity Labels available in the NHSmail shared tenant.

Within this guide, you should be able to access information about the support and scope of the sensitivity labels in the NHSmail shared tenant, the requirements for sensitivity labels application, as well as information about the design, configuration and protection provided by the Global Sensitivity Labels and their known limitations.

Throughout this guidance, yellow text boxes will be used to highlight important notes for your awareness and critical notes that may require you to take action.

Step 1: Sensitivity Labels Scope and Requirements

Information on sensitivity labels scope and support, as well as requirements for using sensitivity labels in the NHSmail shared tenant. Details on how organisations can opt-in to make the Global Sensitivity Labels available for their end users.

Step 2: Sensitivity Labels Overview

Understand the labels scopes and permissions and consider their known limitations.

Step 3: NHSmail Data Sensitivity Label Global Policy

Understand the design and configurations of sensitivity labels available in the NHSmail shared tenant, including recommendations.

Last Reviewed Date 04/05/2022
Updated on 07/07/2022

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