Management of Clinical Safety incidents

When submitting a clinical incident to the NHSmail helpdesk, it must be accompanied by a Clinical Incident Triage form. The NHSmail Clinical Safety Team will review the form and make an assessment based on the impact (or potential impact) to patient care. The incident should also be communicated to the Clinical Safety Officer (CSO) within the organisation, as they will also need to make an assessment. The NHSmail CSO may contact the local CSO if further information or clarification is required.

Important: When communicating actionable information, such as a patient referral, the sender is responsible for confirming its safe receipt. The NHSmail service does not guarantee delivery, and alternative modes of communication should form the basis of any safety assessment.

Please also see NHSmail O365 Shared Tenant Clinical Safety Case Report and Hazard Log

NHSmail O365 Shared Tenant Clinical Safety Incident Triage Form

Last Reviewed Date 03/05/2024
Updated on 03/05/2024

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