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LA Bulletin – 15 September 2020


Latest information on the NHSmail service including NHSmail mass migration, a reminder to check your junk folder regularly, NHSmail IG live event, application account requests, the decommissioning of Skype for Business, Transport Layer Service (TLS) deprecation, using NHSmail on shared computers or unmanaged devices, Egress large file transfer web form for OWA users, external communication in NHSmail Microsoft Teams, risky login monitoring and the introduction of improved shared mailbox naming for shared mailboxes under the National Administration Service (NAS).


Document information and downloads

  • NHSmail Refresh – A mass migration
  • Check Junk E-mail regularly
  • NHSmail Information Governance live event
  • Application Account Requests now available using the Helpdesk Self-Service
  • Skype for Business Decommission
  • Transport Layer Security (TLS) Deprecation
  • Using NHSmail on shared computers or unmanaged devices
  • Egress large file transfer web form for OWA users
  • External communication in NHSmail Microsoft Teams
  • Risky login monitoring
  • Introducing improved shared mailbox naming for shared mailboxes under the National Administration Service (NAS)

File type Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format (.pdf)
File size 276 KB

Last Reviewed Date 15/09/2020
Updated on 30/06/2022
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