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Email migration to nhs.net – Overview

This page contains information for former HEE colleagues about the migration and how it will affect them.

What is happening?

For former Health Education England colleagues, the migration journey will start with the migration of emails from your @hee.nhs.uk account to your T1510 @nhs.net account.

How will the email migration work?

The email migration process involves two stages, copy commence and email switchover.

COPY COMMENCE – This involves automatically copying items from your @hee.nhs.uk email to your @nhs.net email account.

During this stage, your @hee.nhs.uk email contents will be copied to your T1510 @nhs.net account, in phases. Please note, this process takes a few of weeks to complete, depending on the size of your mailbox. and it might take a while until you see items coming through. During this stage, lease continue to use your @hee.nhs.uk email account as normal.

EMAIL SWITCHOVERSwitchover will commence on Friday 1 September 2023. This is when your email and any shared mailboxes that you and your colleagues use will be switched over to NHSmail. Once you have switched over:

  • The email copy will be completed, meaning that emails and meeting invitations sent to your @hee.nhs.uk account will be available on your T1510 @nhs.net account.
  • An auto-forward will be applied so any new emails and meeting invitations sent to your @hee.nhs.uk account is automatically forwarded to your T1510 @nhs.net account.
  • When you open Outlook on your computer, you will be prompted to sign in to your T1510 @nhs.net account. From this point, your T1510 @nhs.net account will become your main account for emails.

Please consult the Switchover Commencement Guidance to learn more about what will happen once switchover has completed

Please note, in the short-term, you will continue to use your @hee.nhs.uk account to access other apps and services, such as collaborations tools (i.e.: Teams, SharePoint, OneDrive and all the other Office 365 apps). Migration of these apps will happen in sequence, and we will communicate with you nearer the time.

Where can I find technical guidance?

The email migration Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) will help you to understand how this change will impact your ways of working, as well as provide more information on what to expect depending on the type of account you use (i.e. user account, or shared mailbox account) and mailbox sizes.

Additional information about the Email migration for former HEE colleagues is available below:

Contacts and technical support

If you have questions about the migration, or if you need technical support, please contact england.migrationsupport@nhs.net.

Last Reviewed Date 01/09/2023
Updated on 01/09/2023
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