Microsoft 365 Alert – Service Degradation – Microsoft Teams – Some users may experience intermittent Microsoft Teams desktop restarts on Windows devices – RESOLVED

25/07/2024 12:27:00 PM

NHSmail Reference: INC44603302

Microsoft Reference: TM834862

Issue Status: RESOLVED

Issue Description: Users may experience intermittent Microsoft Teams desktop restarts on Windows devices.

Final Update: 25/07/2024 16:15:00 PM While Microsoft were in the process of reviewing recent updates to isolate the source of the problem, system monitoring indicated that the service had returned to normal health. They have confirmed that the availability has recovered, and they will continue to monitor the service to ensure that the problem does not happen again

Scope of impact: Impact is specific to some users who are served through the affected infrastructure attempting to use Microsoft teams on Windows devices.

Next steps: Microsoft will continue to closely monitor the affected environment to ensure the service remains healthy, and they will review their service resilience processes to help them reduce or avoid similar issues in the future

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