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Automated All Users Security Groups

Important Note:

On 28 February 2023, legacy security groups with the naming convention allusers.[ods] will be removed from the platform.

Organisations must use the security group: allusersgroup.[ods] to avoid losing access to resources by 28 February 2023.

It is your organisation’s responsibility to review the usage of these security groups and to validate you are using the new ones.

Access to resources could be lost if no action is taken until the access permissions are replaced with the new security group.

Automated all users security groups are now available for all organisations.

You can now use these security groups to manage access to SharePoint sites and applications as well as sharing Power Apps and Microsoft Teams. You can find the groups by searching the following naming convention: allusersgroup.{ODS Code}.

What do I need to do?

There is no action required to update the groups. Updates to the groups are automatic including joiners, movers and leavers. However, you can use the groups to share applications, manage access to sites and applications.

How can I use the groups to share?

All groups have the following naming convention allusersgroup.{ODS Code}.

The main uses of the groups are for following applications*:

  1. SharePoint
  2. Power Platform
  3. Microsoft Teams
  4. Microsoft Teams Groups with SharePoint

The automated all users security groups can also be utilised for the NHSmail Intune Service. Organisations who have onboarded onto the NHSmail Intune Service will soon be able to find more information on how to request the groups in the Operations Guide for Local Administrators and Onboarding Managers.

*Note there may be additional uses for the groups beyond these applications.

SharePoint sites

The following steps outline how to utilise the automated all users security groups on SharePoint.

1. Once in SharePoint, click the “Settings” cog icon

2. Click “Site permissions” from the drop-down


3. Click the “Share site” button in the top right corner of the page



4. Search for the security group. In this example “allusersgroup.LSP01” and click the pop-up



5. Confirm that the selected group is the correct one. Untick “Send email” and left click the “Add” button to complete the steps



Power Platform

The following steps outline how to utilise the automated all users security groups on Power Platform, specifically PowerApps in this example. Please refer to the Power Platform guidance for further information on licensing:

1. Navigate to https://make.powerapps.com/ where your PowerApp is stored

2. Ensure that you are in the right environment

3. Select “Apps” from the left menu

4. Select the ellipses “…” next to the “Modified” column on the PowerApp and click on the “Share” option



5. Search and select the security group. We will used a group called allusersgroup.LSP01 in this example. Your organisation’s group is in the format allusersgroup.{ODS Code}


6. Share the PowerApp with the security group




Microsoft Teams

Please note, the following steps will not keep the Microsoft Teams team update to date. Syncing security groups with teams is on Microsoft’s Roadmap due for release to the public in 2022. View Microsoft information the for further details.

The following steps outline how to utilise the automated all users security groups on Microsoft Teams.

1. From Teams, click on the “Teams” icon

2. Right click on the teams group you would like to share. It is “testsync1” in this example

3. Select “Add member”

4. Search for the Security Group and it should pop up as show in the image below. Your organisation’s group is in the format allusersgroup.{ODS Code}

5. Select the pop up to key in the group


6. Ensure the name of the group is in the search as shown

7. Click the “Add” button



Microsoft Teams / SharePoint sites

The following steps outline how to utilise the automated all users security groups on Microsoft Teams groups with SharePoint.

To get to a Microsoft Teams group’s SharePoint site:

1. Click the “Teams” icon

2. Click a Teams group, in this example “Community Health Service Team”

3. Select a Teams channel from the drop-down, in this example “General”

   4. Click the ellipses located in the top right corner of the screen

   5. Click the option that reads “Open in SharePoint” from the drop-down

6. Click the “Settings” cog icon

7. Click “Site permissions” from the drop-down



8. Click the “Add members” drop-down in the top right corner of the page

9. Select the “Share site only” option from the drop-down


10. Search for the security group. In this example “allusersgroup.LSP01”. Your organisation’s group is in the format allusersgroup.{ODS Code}

11. Click the pop-up

12. Confirm that the selected group is the correct one

13. Untick “Send email”

14. Click the “Add” button


Who can use the share functionality?

Please note users need a level of permission before sharing the groups in any of the following capabilities.

Capability Level of Permissions
Power Apps To share a Power App, a user must have the role ‘Environment Maker’ assigned in a power platform environment*.

Note, if the Power Platform environment is restricted via an existing security group, this will also restrict who environment makers can share an application with.

*Please note build is restricted on the default environment, for more information on environments visit the Power Platform guidance here.

Teams To utilise the automated all users security groups with an existing Team you must be an owner of the Team.
SharePoint To share a SharePoint site with the automated all user security group you must be a site member.

When creating a SharePoint site, it is also recommended to update the permission of the site to restrict sharing to owners only. If this setting is changed, only site owners will be able to use the groups.  Please view the instruction outlined below for the step-by-step process to update site ownership.

Removing share functionality from SharePoint sites

The following steps outline how to restrict permissions on SharePoint sites to owners only.  Once in SharePoint, click the “Settings” cog icon


1. Click “Site permissions” from the drop-down



2. Click ‘Change how members can share’

3. Turn off ‘Allow access requests’

4. Select ‘Only site owners can share files, folders and the site.’

5. Click save.

Frequently Asked Questions

How quickly will my group update?

Once the portal and cloud have synchronised, the changes will update within 5 minutes. End to end the process is expected to take approximately 4 hours.

Does the security group mean we can avoid the Teams membership restrictions or Teams/Channel mentions?

No, current Teams membership limits and channel mentions still apply. The automated all users security groups will not bypass these limits.

Can I use the group with the Teams app ad-ons for example Planner, Power Apps and Canvas Apps?

Yes, Power apps can be shared with automated all users security groups. When a Microsoft 365 (M365) group is created a planner, resource is available which will inherit the members of the M365 group.

Can multiple groups be added to Teams, SharePoint and Power Apps?

Yes, it is possible to add multiple groups.

When adding a group to SharePoint, if the send email option is selected, will all members of the group receive a notification?

Yes, it is important to deselect the ‘send email’ option if you do not wish to email all members of the group.

Will organisations receive a report of all of the locations where the groups have been applied?

No, this is not currently available.

Will owners that have made Teams, Apps and Sites public be targets to use security groups instead?

There is no targeted activity to ensure site/apps/teams owners change the settings of their group to use the automated all users security groups. However, owners and Local Administrators will now be able to use the groups to restrict access.

Which users will be included in the groups?

Please refer to the guidance on Data Retention and Information Management Policy which outlines the account management lifecycle for users including active, inactive and deleted accounts.

Can I request sub-groups?

This solution is for All Users dynamic groups only and there are no sub-groups available. The NHSmail Intune Service allows LAs (with RBAC permissions) of onboarded organisations to manage Groups without requiring native access to Azure AD.

This allows LAs granular control over the creation, editing and deletion of their organisation’s Groups within Intune and permit LA’s to closely and independently manage Groups scoped to their organisation.

Organisations onboarded to the NHSmail Intune service will automatically be provided with access to the application.

Are the groups available for use with the NHSmail Intune Service?

Yes. Automated all users security groups are available for organisations onboarded to the NHSmail Intune Service. Further details can be found in the NHSmail Intune Operations Guide for Local Administrators and Onboarding Managers.

Where can I get support?

If your query remains unanswered, please contact your local IT department or the NHSmail helpdesk helpdesk@nhs.net for support.

Last Reviewed Date 08/09/2023
Updated on 08/09/2023

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