Microsoft 365 Alert – Service Degradation – Project for the web – Users may be unable to see the finish date of incomplete tasks in the grid view of Project for the web – RESOLVED
22/11/2024 08:57:00 AM
NHSmail Reference: INC47038292
Microsoft Reference: PW939324
Issue Status: RESOLVED
Issue Description: Users may be unable to see the finish date of incomplete tasks in the grid view of Project for the web.
More info: Impact is specific to incomplete tasks with a finish date in the past in the grid view.
While Microsoft are working to remediate impact, the date is visible via task details or by adjusting your accessibility settings to high contrast.
Though Windows settings > Accessibility > High Contrast
Final Update: 25/11/2024 09:05:00 AM – Microsoft have deployed the fix across the entire affected infrastructure and verified through monitoring and testing with affected users that this solution has successfully resolved the issue.
Scope of impact: Any user attempting to view the finish dates in the past for incomplete tasks in the grid view using Project for the web may be affected.
Root cause: A recent update contains a configuration error causing the finish date text to be set to white on a white background, resulting in impact
Next steps: Microsoft are investigating how the recent update contained a configuration error causing the finish date text to be set to white on a white background to prevent this problem from happening again.