MFA Status Report Discrepancies – RESOLVED
29/05/2024 17:15:00 PM
Issue Status: RESOLVED
Issue Description: Some users may identify discrepancies with MFA Status data displayed within the MFA Status Report that can be downloaded from the NHSmail Portal.
Final Update: 05/06/2024 12:00:00 PM – The Accenture team have continued to monitor the backend process that synchronises MFA status data. No further issues have been identified. The Accenture team are continuing to work with Microsoft to further optimise the data synchronisation process.
Please note that the synchronisation of data will require up to 48 hours to complete therefore recent updates made to accounts may not reflect on the MFA Status Report until a further synchronisation has completed.
We appreciate your patience whilst we worked to resolve this issue and apologies for any inconvenience caused.
To report any issues, please contact 0333 200 1133 /