INC45715847 – Transient Mail Flow Issue – RESOLVED
17/09/2024 22:30:00 PM
Issue Status: RESOLVED
Issue Description: We are aware of a transient issue that occurred between 8:30 pm and 9:30 pm this evening which resulted in some mails from external senders to a subset of recipients to fail. Impacted users were issued a Non-Delivery Request (NDR) to confirm the mail delivery failure.
If you received an NDR during this period, please try sending your mail again to the intended recipient; all our internal testing has been positive and we can see mails from and to external recipients entering and leaving the platform without issue so do not anticipate further issues.
Final Update: 1809/2024 15:10:00 PM – Engineers have taken mitigative action to resolve the issue and mail flow is behaving as expected again. We apologise for any inconvenience caused and thank you for your patience.
To report any issues, please contact 0333 200 1133 /