Microsoft 365 Alert – Service Degradation – Microsoft Entra – Some users may have been unable to activate their Privileged Identity Management (PIM) eligible role assignments – RESOLVED

13/12/2023 12:19:00 PM

NHSMail Reference: INC40274891

Microsoft Reference: IS697925

Issue Status: RESOLVED

Issue Description: Users may have been unable to activate their PIM eligible role assignments.

Final Update: 13/12/2023 12:19:00 PM Microsoft identified that a recent standard service update contained a code regression that resulted in the initial impact. In a mitigation attempt, we redirected traffic to alternate healthy infrastructure but this was unsuccessful. We”ve further reverted the recent update and confirmed through telemetry that impact is no longer occurring.

Scope of impact: Your organization was affected by this event, and some users attempting to activate their PIM eligible role assignments may have been impacted.

Root cause: A recent standard service update contained a code regression that resulted in the initial impact. In a mitigation attempt, we redirected traffic to alternate healthy infrastructure but this was unsuccessful.

Next steps: Microsoft are reviewing their recent standard service update procedures to help prevent similar impact from happening again.
They are further analyzing their mitigation efforts to understand why the initial traffic redirection actions were unsuccessful.

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