Microsoft 365 Alert – Service Degradation – Power BI – Document content may not be positioned correctly after being exported to PDF from the desktop client – RESOLVED

26/10/2023 17:07:00 PM

NHSMail Reference: INC39133109

Microsoft Reference: PB684376

Issue Status: RESOLVED

Issue Description: Users may see content not correctly positioned in documents when using the Export to PDF feature.

More info: This issue impacts Power BI desktop users only. While we’re focused on remediation, users who have access to the Power BI web version may be able to Export to PDF without any issues

Final Update: 01/11/2023 09:14:00 AM  Microsoft confirmed that the deployment fix has been successful, they have confirmed via telemetry that impact has been remediated.

Scope of impact: Impact is specific to desktop users who are being served through the affected infrastructure.

Root cause: A recent change made to a dependency service, which facilitates PDF rendering for exported Power BI documents, inadvertently contains a regression that’s causing impact.

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