Information – GP Phone System Retirement

26/07/2023 12:35:00 PM (GMT)

During May, the Digital Primary Care team wrote to all impacted organisations advising that the central provision and availability of Teams Phone System for outbound calls will cease at the end of April. With the grace period now coming to an end, GP Phone System will cease on 31 July 2023.

From this point onwards, impacted users will be unable to make outbound calls to external PSTN numbers through their Teams client. This will not impact those organisations that have procured and are utilising their own Teams Phone System licenses. Should you need continued access to this functionality, please ensure your organisation is discussing procurement options.

Please note: Local Administrators – any NHSmail User Policies that were previously created as part of this service will be renamed to remove the “_PhoneSystem” naming convention. After 31/07, you can edit or re-name these user policies as appropriate.

For any further queries, please contact 0333 200 1133 /

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