Microsoft 365 Alert – Service Degradation – Microsoft Teams – Users can’t load an integrated app since updating the Microsoft Teams desktop client for Windows and Mac OS – RESOLVED

26/06/2023 09:14:00 AM (GMT)

NHSmail Reference : INC36592697

Microsoft Reference : TM603766

Issue Status : RESOLVED

Issue Description : Users can’t load an integrated app since updating the Microsoft Teams desktop client for Windows and Mac OS.

More info : The app is used for meeting and calling purposes. Users can utilize the Microsoft Teams web app where the integrated app is still functional.

Affected users can check for the fixed version in the Microsoft Teams desktop client. As an alternative, users can manually install them before our deployment is complete:
– Fixed Microsoft Teams desktop version for Mac:
– Fixed Microsoft Teams desktop version for Windows:

Final Update : 27/06/2023 08:37:00 AM – Microsoft completed their deployment of the fix and have received reports from previously affected users that impact was successfully resolved.

Scope of impact : Your organization is affected by this event, and all users can’t load an integrated app after updating the Microsoft Teams desktop client for Mac OS.

Root cause : A recent change to update configurations for integrated apps in the Microsoft Teams desktop client removed support for the affected application.

Next steps : Microsoft are reviewing the affecting change to understand how impact was missed during testing and validation and better prevent similar future occurrences.

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