Microsoft 365 Alert : Service Degradation – Microsoft Teams – Some users may be unable to utilize some Microsoft Teams features or access the service – FALSE POSITIVE

25/10/2022 09:00:00 AM (BST)

NHSmail Reference : INC32377624

Microsoft Reference : TM449960


Issue Description : Users may be unable to utilize some Microsoft Teams features or access the service.

More info : Users may be unable to utilize some Microsoft Teams features or access the service.

Scope of impact : Impact is specific to some users who are served through the affected infrastructure in the United Kingdom.

Final Update : 31/10/2022 13:10:00 PM – Microsoft determined the service is healthy and a Microsoft-side service event didn’t actually occur. A third-party service unexpectedly caused connection issues, preventing users from accessing the service. The third-party investigated the issue and fixed the problem, remediating impact. This communication will expire in 12 hours.

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