Microsoft 365 Alert : Service Degradation – Microsoft Intune – Admins may intermittently encounter errors and are unable to access some reports via the Mobile Endpoint – RESOLVED
01/08/2022 17:49:00 PM (BST)
Microsoft Reference : IT408327
NHSmail Reference : INC30859748
Issue Status : RESOLVED
Issue Description : Admins may intermittently encounter errors and are unable to access some reports via the Mobile Endpoint Manager
More info : Affected services included but were not limited to:
-Various reporting
-Device Services blade
Scope of impact : Any admins serviced through the affected infrastructure may be intermittently impacted.
Final Update : 02/08/2022 10:14:00 AM – Microsoft rolled out a configuration change to some scale units to disable Redis cache throttling, bypassing Redis completely. They have determined via internal testing that impact has been successfully resolved and service has been fully restored.
Root cause : A software defect caused excessive load on our Redis cache resulting in impact.
Next steps : To prevent similar impact in the future, Microsoft are continuing to investigate their software defects and the excessive load it caused on their Redis cache preventing admins from intermittently encounter errors within the Mobile Endpoint Manager.