INC30335772 – NHSmail Delivery Delay – RESOLVED
06/07/2022 09:57:00 AM (BST)
Issue Status: RESOLVED
Microsoft Ticket Reference: #31868345
Description: We are aware of an issue this morning relating to mail delivery from external mail domains to mail accounts. The issue is impacting only incoming mails to the platform from external domains. Mails being sent from to and sent from to external domains are not impacted.
Final Update: 06/07/2022 17:11:00 PM – The issue experienced this morning, which was acknowledged by Microsoft to have been as a result of an issue on their EMEA infrastructure, has been resolved. Mails sent and received via the NHSmail tenant are being delivered as expected and without issue. The NHSmail engineers have continued to monitor the service for the remainder of the day with no further issues observed. Thank you for your patience during this incident and whilst we provided support to Microsoft during the investigation.
To report any issues, please contact 0333 200 1133 /