Microsoft 365 Alert : Service Degradation – Power Automate – Some users may have received a 502 error when running a flow or performing an action that utilized Office 365 connectors – RESOLVED
21/06/2022 02:05:00 PM (BST)
Microsoft Reference : MF394386
NHSmail Reference : INC29840095
Issue Status : RESOLVED
Issue Description : Users may have received a 502 error when running a flow or performing an action that utilized Office 365 connectors.
Scope of impact : Your organization was affected by this event, and users running an flow or performing an action that utilized Office 365 connectors may have been impacted.
Final Update : 21/06/2022 02:05:00 PM – Microsoft identified that an unexpected increase in traffic load, caused 502 errors within the Microsoft Power Automate service. They have rerouted user traffic to alternate infrastructure, remediating impact.
Root cause : An expected increase in traffic load, caused impact to the Microsoft Power Automate service.
Next steps : Microsoft are analyzing performance data and trends on the affected systems to help prevent this problem from happening again.