Microsoft 365 Alert : Service Degradation – Microsoft Teams – Some users may be unable to create new teams within the Microsoft Teams admin center or via the Microsoft Graph API – RESOLVED

31/05/2022 09:00:00 AM (BST)

Microsoft Reference : TM385684  

NHSmail Reference : INC29218940

Issue Status : RESTORED

Issue Description : Users may have been unable to create new teams within the Microsoft Teams admin center or via the Microsoft Graph API.

Scope of impact : This issue may have potentially affected any of your users attempting to create new teams within the Microsoft Teams admin center or via the Microsoft Graph API.

Final Update : 31/05/2022 09:00:00 AM – Microsoft completed processing the backlog of requests and confirmed via system telemetry that impact is remediated.

Root cause : A recent update to service components facilitating team creation contained a code regression that was causing a sync issue and resulting in impact.

Next steps : Microsoft are assessing their service update procedures to better understand how the regression wasn’t identified during testing and validation, which will allow them to prevent similar impact in the future.

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