Microsoft 365 Alert : Service Degradation – Microsoft 365 suite – Admins experiencing page timeouts in the Microsoft 365 admin center – RESOLVED

03/02/2022 09:18:00 AM (GMT)

Issue Reported : 02/02/2022 08:02:00 PM (UTC)

Microsoft Reference : MO320640

Issue Status: RESTORED

Issue Description: Admins experiencing page timeouts in the Microsoft 365 admin center

Scope of Impact : This issue may have affected tenant admins hosted in affected environments attempting to access the Microsoft 365 admin center.

Final Update – 03/02/2022 09:22:00 AM : A recent build swapping operation resulted in timeouts on underlying caching components on a portion of infrastructure responsible for processing and facilitating admin access requests. Microsoft completed rebooting the affected infrastructure and have confirmed via telemetry that impact has been remediated.

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