02-12-2021 11:30:00 AM (BST)

Issue Status: RESOLVED

Description: The NHSmail Team are aware of an issue where the users are encountering an error while accessing the Outlook webapp via the HSCN network. Connectivity via the internet is not impacted

Business Impact: Impacted users may receive the error message as “This Site can’t be reached”

Final Update: 02-12-2021 13:15:00 PM – The NHSmail team have investigated the issue which has been identified to be a network related issue not directly associated with the NHSmail. platform. The issue has now been resolved and connectivity to the Outlook Web App via the HSCN has been fully restored. If users still experience connectivity issues, please log out of any existing sessions before attempting to log in.

To report any issues please contact 0333 200 1133 /

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