Microsoft 365 Suite Service Alert: Service degradation – Can’t access M365 Usage Reports within Office 365 Suite – RESOLVED
22-10-2021 01:29:00 PM (BST)
Issue reported: 22/10/2021 08:00:00 AM
Microsoft Reference : MO293125
NHSmail Reference : INC24641501
Issue Status: RESTORED
Issue Description: Admins may have been unable to access M365 Usage Reports within Office 365 Suite
More info: Impacted reports include:
– M365 Admin Center Usage Reports.
– Graph API Usage Reports.
– Power BI Usage Reports.
Scope of impact: Impact was specific to admins who were served through the impacted infrastructure hosted out of Europe, Middle East and Africa.
Final Update – 25/10/2021 09:45:00 AM: Microsoft confirmed via system telemetry that our fix has resynced data for affected admins, resolving impact.