Microsoft Intune Service Alert : Some users may have experienced intermittent issues with devices managed by Microsoft Intune – RESOLVED
10-09-2021 10:16:00 AM (BST)
Issue Reported: 10/09/2021 06:00:00 AM
Microsoft Reference : IT284291
Issue Status: RESTORED
Issue Description: Users may have experienced intermittent issues with devices managed by Microsoft Intune.
More info: Impacted scenarios may have included:
-Devices being unable to be checked-in.
-Device authentication failing.
-Devices being unable to become compliant.
-Devices being unable to enroll.
Scope of impact: Impact was specific to users who were hosted out of the affected infrastructure in Europe.
Final Update – 10/09/2021 10:16:00 AM: Microsoft has successfully corrected the provisioning threshold for the affected content storage infrastructure. They have confirmed that impact has been resolved after a period of monitoring the environment.