Typhoon 2.0 Release – Content Summary

Please find below a summary of the main content of the Typhoon 2.0 release which was deployed on 22/07/2021.


BAU Functionality

  • 49070 – PODS- Change in ToolTip for DSPT question

This PBI is to update the tool tip displayed in the care provider page for DSPT question as the waiver date has been ended on 30/6.

The new tool tip is – “All care provider organisations must have completed the Data Security Protection Toolkit before joining NHSmail. For more information, to check if you are already compliant, or to complete the Toolkit, please go to https://www.dsptoolkit.nhs.uk/

  • 49277 – Guidance text change to highlight changes to Office 365 usage reporting schedule

This PBI is to implement text change to highlight the Office 365 usage reports are now moving to weekly refresh schedule rather than daily. The new text would be appearing under the guidance section in the Reports tab for all the users.  The change of frequency is due the fact that the scale of the platform meant the infrastructure could not process the requests correctly, less frequent polling should mean the report is fully completed and valid.

  • 49455 – AUP redirect link update
This PBI is to implement the change in the AUP redirect link to point to support site wherever applicable in the portal. This changes have been made to the link in the portal home page and AUP acceptance page for a new user.

BAU Bug Fixes

  • 49009 – SharePoint Locale setting gets set to English (US)

As part of this, a note is given to the users in create/edit SharePoint page to change the locale settings to UK from settings option once the SharePoint is created successfully.

  • 46965 – Timeout error when attempting to download Office 365 user license allocation report

The fix is given to resolve the time out error while downloading the office 365 license allocation report by increasing the time.

Along with that a new implementation has been made to display a pop up to the user when they click on generate report option for any of the reports to allow 10 minutes to get that report downloaded completely.

To view the full release note please refer to the PDF file


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