Portal – Rangoon 1.1 Release
The Rangoon 1.1 Portal release was implemented as planned on the evening of 29/01/2021 with new features for core NHSmail Portal functionality and bug fixes.
New Functionality – Virtual Visit
40699 – VV: Add Bookings toggle to the NHSmail portal
This PBI facilitates the booking application toggle to be visible on the create user policy page and update user policy page with all type of base license (E1, E3, E5, F1). When the toggle is turned ON/OFF, the bookings application should be enabled/disable for all users in the policy
40704 – VV: Provision a new booking calendar
This PBI allow a Local Primary Admin, Local Admin, Global Admin, Tenant Admin user to provision a new booking calendar and be able to add viewers and admins, Service & Clinic Name, Reply email address, Phone number to the calendar.
40705 – VV: Search provisioned booking calendars
This PBI allow a Local Primary Admin, Local Admin, Global Admin, Tenant Admin user to view a new admin menu ‘Booking Calendars’ and able to view all the bookings calendars created for organisations based on the admin permissions. Name, Email Address for replies, Organisation fields are visible for the search.
41973-VV: Get details of a provisioned booking business
This PBI allows the admin users to retrieve the details of an already provisioned booking business and be able to see these on screen.
40706- VV: Update a provisioned booking calendar
This PBI allows the Admin user to update a booking service by updating one, all or a combination of the fields: Email address for replies, Phone number, booking service Admin Users, Booking Service Visitors in the booking calendar.
40707-VV: Delete a provisioned booking calendar
This PBI facilitates admin user to delete a booking service no longer required. The booking service which are deleted will be visible in the NHSMail portal with Deleted Status.
43414-VV: Develop a generic API to add a record to the Portal Audit History
This PBI is to develop a generic portal API which can take a simple JSON payload from the Azure Apps and create an audit record based on the request. The audit for all operation like Create/Update/Delete should be available for admin under audit report.
43517: Remove reference to NSS from Portal pages and links
This PBI is to remove all the references to NSS from the portal which includes logo, links supporting NSS, and any email templates with NSS reference.
45439: Update AUP acceptance to acknowledge new delay
This PBI is to Update the popup that appears when a user accepts AUP to acknowledge there could be a delay of up to 24 hours before all features, including email are enabled.
43810 EXO :: Remove options for rules on DDL
As a requirement of the above PBI the following options will be removed from the rule builder in DDL : Clinical ,Specialty , Work Area , Role , CustomAttribute1 , CustomAttribute2 , CustomAttribute3 , CustomAttribute4 , CustomAttribute5 as these extension custom attributes are not supported by exchange.