Enterprise license applications toggle available on user policy page
29-12-2023 12:31:45 PM (GMT)
The Rangoon Portal Release included a fix for an issue whereby, for some licence types, the enablement/disablement of application toggles was not working correctly. Users may find that they could use an app, despite that app being toggled off in the User Policy on the Portal UI, and vice versa. The fix applied with the Rangoon Portal Release ensures the application toggles now apply correctly to all assigned licences, a reconciliation job is ran whenever a user is added to a User Policy, or the User Policy or User Details are updated, which results in a synchronisation between the Portal UI toggle and the back end so that they match.
Where a user belongs to a User Policy which was created before 18/12/2020, Organisations may find that they are still seeing this issue. This is because, although the fix ensures the toggles apply to all licences, a reconciliation needs to be run to force a synchronisation to take place. The easiest way to fix this is to undertake a blank update to the User Policy in question which will force a synchronisation for all users assigned to it, or to update the details of the user impacted to force the same synchronisation to happen.