Anti Spoofing

12/02/2019 – Anti-spoofing controls have been re-applied to direct spoofed emails from the internet to the ‘Junk E-mail’ folder within mailboxes. To make sure that you don’t miss any emails that still need to be actioned, please regularly check the ‘Junk E-mail’ folder within your mailbox, including any shared mailboxes that you manage.

This security improvement is intended to help keep NHSmail safe and to improve the way that incoming emails are processed to stop spoofing on the NHSmail Service. 

During 2019, spoofing will be blocked completely from the NHSmail service with the exact date to be confirmed nearer the time.

Guidance is also available regarding Enabling and disabling SMTP – NHSmail Support

Kindly note that the above announcement was correct in time of its publication.

The MailChimp application instructions were not provided to NHSmail in a refreshed version.

The guidance and this announcement were reviewed on 7th May 2024.

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